Sunday, October 14, 2012

13-month Update

I'm 13 (almost 14) months old! I thought I'd give a little update about anything new I'm doing and some of my favorite things. I'm officially walking everywhere now! I can even stand up without pulling up an furniture or anything. I can just stand up all on my own! I still have a hard time when the ground isn't flat and level but I'm getting pretty good at stepping over things or walking up slight hills. My first real cold came and went without getting too bad. The first two nights weren't very fun, my nose was so stuffy that I didn't sleep well. I couldn't breathe through my nose and kept choking on gunk in my throat. After that it was mostly just a runny nose for awhile and sneezing. It lasted over a week but went away without turning into a sinus infection or anything. So that's good!

I think my most favorite thing right now is to play outside. Mommy thinks I could stay outside all day and be happy. I love to just be outside and explore. I love to dig in the dirt, play with rocks, pick flowers and leaves. Right now my favorite thing is to find all the little pumpkins that Grandma has in her flower pots. I like to carry them around or throw them. It is so fun to be outside!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before or not, but I love ceiling fans! I've always loved the ceiling fan at Nana's house and even when we just drive into the driveway I'll starting waving my hand around and around. Whenever we go anywhere that has a fan, it doesn't take me long to find it. And I'll spend quite awhile watching them spin around. They even have them at the food court at the zoo! I saw them there the first time I went with mommy and daddy and the next time I went with mommy I remember the were there! Before I went inside I started waving my hand around. Mommy couldn't believe I remembered they were there! But the best ones might be at Costco, they are huge!

I also still love planes and trucks and anything with wheels! I even got a new plane mobile for my bedroom (thanks Grandma and Grandpa!). I love to drive my cars around and play with my toy airplane, I can even make car and plane noises! Whenever I see or hear a plane (real or fake) or when I see a big truck or play with my cars, I make engine noises with my lips. Vroom, Vroom! I love big construction trucks and watching big trucks outside and I love seeing airplanes fly by! I also love pushing anything with wheels, like my shopping cart or my strollers. I also love playing with the big wheel burrow in the back yard and spinning the wheel around.

I'm starting to really like my books. I love my farm book that makes noise and my Llama Llama books. I like sitting in the rocking chair and looking at all my books. I also like dancing! My farm book plays a little song and I love dancing to it. I also dance to my little airplane that sings a song or when I hear music on TV. I just bounce up and down and bop my head. Mommy thinks it's sooo cute!

I love playing with all my toys but always prefer when someone plays with me. I don't really like playing with my toys by myself. I like playing with my tinker toys and all my balls. Lately, I've really liked playing with my baby doll. I like to hold her and share her binky. I even give her kisses. But I also like to poke her in the eye. Mommy's teaching me to be more gentle. It's good practice for when Baby Charlotte gets here!

I also like to play with Rio. I like to find his toys and throw his ball for him. One of my most favorite things to do is help feed Rio. Sometimes I even go get his bowl and bring it to him, even if it's not time for him to eat!

Something else that has happened in the last month is that I've started going to nursery! You supposed to be 18 months when you start nursery but since mommy now works in the nursery, I get to go with her. Mommy can't believe how good I am in nursery. I'm so small compared to the bigger kids, there's a lot of 2 and 3 year old boys! But I also look so grown up! I play with all the toys just like the other kids and love watching the big kids and trying to do what they do. I do a pretty good job, too! I also sit with mommy nicely for the lesson and sit in a chair all by myself during snack! Mommy thinks I;m so cute but it also makes mommy a little sad at how grown up I'm getting. Soon mommy will have to take the older kids out for a lesson and I'll stay in nursery for about a half hour without her! Whenever mommy has to go somewhere, I'm always with a grandparent or daddy, mommy is a little nervous and sad to leave me with anyone else! We'll see how I do!

Overall, I'm a good and happy boy! I sometimes have a little temper when I'm at home, usually because frustrated that I can't do something I want to, but I'm always good when we go out and I love running errands and going to the mall or park. Everyone always says I'm so cute and have such a good smile. I'm so friendly with everyone and love to say hi. Mommy thinks I'm such a sweet boy! She can't believe how big I'm getting! She thinks I'm so cute and funny and loves watching me learn new things, she wishes time would slow down just a little! Even though she doesn't like leaving for work in the morning, she thinks one of the best things in the world is coming home to see me. I'm always so happy to see her and I give her the best smiles and hugs and cuddles! I'm even getting to be a little more cuddly which mommy loves and I am so good at giving kisses to all the people I love! And even though I've been waking up a little too early lately, mommy loves waking up to my cute face! Because grandma is still working on mommy's bedroom (fixing the ceiling and painting), mommy still sleeps in my room and I still wake up once during the night so mommy spoils me and just brings me to bed with her. I love waking mommy up in the morning and cuddling!

Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks:

Cute boy with a messy face!

I love my new sweatsuit!

Such a big boy!

I love great-grandpa's red truck!

Vroom, vroom!

I could play in here all day!

My new Mickey slippers, so cute!

A happy boy even with my cold!

Family fun night at the Bellevue Club!

Yes, I need all three binkies!

Snack in nursery!

Mommy really needs to do my hair for church!

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