Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer Bucket List 2015

It's that time of year again! Time to set some fun goals for summer 2015! Mommy has had a list in progress already and we were able to check some things off during spring break and in May since the weather has been so nice and warm and sunny! We'll check back in September to see how many fun things we were able to do this year!
  1. Beaches* (one new local beach we've never been to)
  2. Parks* (one new park we've never been to)
  3. Get Fun Drinks* (we've already gotten our fair share of frappuccinos and slurpees this season!)
  4. Hikes* (we did Denny creek over spring break but want to do Franklin Falls and Rattlesnake)
  5. Ferry Ride (hopefully to Bainbridge to go to the children's museum)
  6. Wild Waves
  7. Oregon Coast Trip
  8. Berry Picking (we did strawberries but want to go back for raspberry season)
  9. Sleepover at Nana's and go to Chase's Pancake Corral for breakfast
  10. Late-night fire pit, stay up to star gaze
  11. Train Ride* (we did the Snoqualmie train but we'll hopefully take the Amtrak to Portland)
  12. Tolt River (Done twice already! And hopefully many more times this summer)
  13. Seattle Great Wheel & Ivars/Pike Place Trip
  14. Swimming at Charlotte's Pool
  15. Putt Putt Golf
  16. Water Balloons*
  17. Ride Bikes somewhere fun (we rode around Greenlake)
  18. Picnic and find cloud shapes (read It Looks Like Spilt Milk)
  19. Watch Classic Movies (we watched Wizard of Oz in May, next is Mary Poppins)
  20. Aquarium*
  21. Fremont Troll* (and a second trip to the Ballard Locks)
  22. Mariner's Game
  23. Museum of Flight with Grandpa Mikey
  24. September trip to Reno to visit the Fugals and go to the Air Races! (Maybe!)
*Star indicates a bucket list to-do I came up with all by myself! Mommy came up with the rest!

1 comment:

  1. I like #24 best, but all of them make me miss my friends and Seattle. #24 would help with that too!! Come, come, come!! xoxoxo
