Saturday, February 28, 2015

3.5 year update

So I've been trying to catch up on my blog and it's been awhile since I've posted an update. It's actually been so long I don't even know where to begin! I'm talking more and more grown up. Complicated sentences and big words and figures of speech. Using words like "actually..." and learning how to use the same words in different ways or that they can have different meaning. Like using the words "fine" and "whatever" in nice ways and not with an attitude. Sometimes mommy can't believe the silly things I say! Sometimes she's quite surprised at the things I've learn to say or stories I tell.

I still am attached to my binkies. Mommy thought about taking them away but decided it really isn't that big of deal. Why make me sad and upset and take something I love so much away for no reason? I'm usually pretty good about keeping them in bed and only having them in my room and when I'm sleeping. We now leave them at home and they don't go with us anywhere, not even school. I even napped at school without them and am just fine. I just love them so much and happy I still get to have them at home when it's bedtime or when I ask to snuggle with mommy. I am such a good snuggler! I love snuggling in the morning, that's why Saturdays are the best! I'm such a sweet, happy and loving boy. I always tell my family how much I love them and that their my "favorite" person or best friend. I always tell grandpa that he's my "best buddy." I am still good natured and very friendly and sociable most of the time. I have my more difficult days sometimes behaving and being a good listener and following directions. Usually my tantrums and uncooperative days are because I'm not getting enough sleep. A good night's sleep or a quality nap will help out. I'll also get sometimes get super hungry and very cranky. I'm not a big eater and never have a great appetite so sometimes I get super cranky and sensitive before mommy realizes I haven't had enough to eat. We just take a break and she forces me to eat and all is well again. Sometimes I get really frustrated because I have a certain way I think something should happen and if it doesn't go as expected, I have a hard time. I get frustrated when tasks aren't easy or if I don't think I can do them well. Even something mommy knows I could do if I tried, I just want to do it easily and immediately. I sometimes have a hard time letting someone help me because I just want to know how to do it in my own right away. But eventually I calm down and usually figure out how to do it. The first few weeks of Sunbeams was also hard, I was crying a lot for mommy and wouldn't sit with my class but it's getting better. School is also going well. I love going to school and my friends and teachers. I usually have really good days and get along with my friends. Sometimes there's the normal three year old problems with sharing, etc, but we're all learning. There's also times where the boys start playing a little rough and I need to remember to be nice and gentle to all my friends, but I am usually a very good boy and love school. I also learn new little songs and am always more interested in my letters and other things after a day at school.

A normal "work" week for me looks like this: I go to school with mommy on Mondays and we usually run errands on our way home since I'm already with her and she's not in a hurry to pick me up. Sometimes we stop and get a yummy treat like frozen yogurt. On Tuesdays, I go to Nana's house in the morning and spend the day with Nana and grandpa Dick. We meet Charlotte and the Bellevue club for swimming lessons in the morning. Nana also takes me to get Sprite after swimming lessons. When mommy picks me up after work, we usually just play at home all evening. We go out to ride my bike if it's sunny. We read books and watch some shows. I love watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy with Uncle Sam. We also eat ice cream most evenings, too! I go to Nana's on Wednesdays. Most days she makes me yummy breakfasts like pancakes. We play a lot of cars and trains, I also love playing chase with grandpa Dick. We read books and watch shows and usually I take a nap with nana while she holds me on her lap (Nana spoils me!). When the weather is nice we go on walks or grandpa Dick takes me out to play in the backyard. Then on Wednesday afternoon, mom picks me up and we play for about an hour until Daddy comes over. He picks me up for our Wednesday night overnights. We go to his house to play and watch movies and spend time with Grandma Ali and Grandpa Mikey. We have lots of fun and I get to sleep on my special Mickey Mouse bed and snuggle lots with Daddy. I usually spend Thursday with Daddy at his house until mommy picks me up after work. Mommy always misses me so much by the time she's off work Thursday and she usually takes me to get a special treat on our way home. We spend the late afternoon playing around the house or outside. I love when the weather is nice and we play on the street or in the back yard before dinner. I especially love when my neighbor friends are outside playing, too! On Friday, I usually stay home with grandpa since he doesn't work very often on Fridays. He usually takes me somewhere fun or we go play with Natalie and Charlotte. I love my Fridays with Grandpa! Mommy and I love our weekends together! We either plan something fun to do all together as a family or just a mommy-and-me date!

Some of my favorite things to do right now are: Sit in front of the heater vent with mommy whenever the heat clicks on and running hugs with grandma. After our nighttime routine and prayers, I'll run through the house like a racecar and run up to grandma for a big goodnight hug. I'm still very affectionate and mommy hopes I'll always be that way. She loves my hugs and kisses more than anything and her heart just melts when I tell her things like "You're the best mommy ever" or "You're my bestest friend in the world." Mommy loves that I'll always say thank you, especially after we go do something fun together and I remember to thank her for taking me to go somewhere fun or to get a special treat. She loves that I appreciate the fun, special things we do together. I know she cherishes all the fun memories we're making together and I do, too.

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