Friday, July 20, 2012

A Little Update

In one week I'll be 11 months old, can you believe my birthday is next month?!? Mommy sure can't believe it. This past year has gone by so fast! I'm turning into such a toddler and mommy is a little sad that it's going by so fast! I'm getting such a personality, I'm a very happy and good natured little boy but I am getting very good at letting you know what I want or don't want. I've even learned how to shake my head "no" when I don't want to do something or when I want to do something and someone tries to stop me. Mommy thinks it's pretty cute. I also have a good sense of humor and love to play and "wrestle" and be silly. I'm also very sweet and give great kisses and love to hug and cuddle.

I've been crawling for almost a month and am now a pro! I crawl ALL over the place and if the front or back door is open, I am out before anyone can stop me. There have been quite few times mommy finds on the front porch eating grandma's pink flowers! I am very good at pulling myself up on furniture and cabinets or pretty much anything and walking around. And I've finally learned to turn over from my back to my tummy so there is no stopping me now! Now I'm able to roll over during diaper changes and get up and jump around my crib. I am such a busy boy! I learned how to turn on the water in the bathroom sink and love to play in the water. One of my favorite things to do is play in the sink. I also love lights and playing with the light switch. I've learned how to turn the lights on and off and on and off and on again. I absolutely love the vacuum cleaner and and am always in grandma's way when she tries to vacuum. Another thing I love is climbing on Rio. He's a good dog and usually doesn't mind me sitting on him or pulling his hair. I've also learned how to feed him my food when I'm eating, which he loves!

I'm also finally getting teeth! Four teeth have broke through, the teeth on either side of my two upper front teeth are in and my two bottom front teeth.  My two front teeth are slowly making there way, so soon I'll have six teeth! This is probably why I've been a bit fussy lately, my mouth is sore. I've also been trying a lot of new foods lately. I'm still a little picky when it comes to my baby food, I just don't like eating my purees all the time. Some new foods I've tried and liked are real peaches, cereal bars, chocolate and vanilla cake, black beans and rice, and chicken soup. My favorite food is still frozen yogurt or ice cream. I get ice cream from grandpa almost every night! It's so yummy plus it feels good on my gums! I'm also taking my bottle a little better. I take a bottle when I wake up in the morning and before anytime I go to sleep, I even drink up to 6 ounces!

Mommy has been going to kickboxing classes lately so I've been spending a couple evenings a week with grandpa and have so much fun. I always get so excited when grandpa comes home from work and am always so happy to see him! Also, Grandma and grandpa spent last weekend painting my room. They painted it a nice gray color and it looks so good!

Some exciting news! Aunt Natalie is having a baby girl! We are all so excited! I'm going to be the best big cousin to little Charlotte Pearl (that's her name, for now at least)!

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