Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Years 2015

We had a fun New Years and enjoyed our last couple days of winter break. I still had my fever on New Year's Day but with some advil in me, I seemed to be feeling just fine and we joined our friends at the ice skating rink. I was so excited to go ice skating! Grandpa watches quite a bit of hockey so I've seen them skating on TV quite a bit. He was excited for me to get out on the ice for the first time. We had so much fun ice skating and I did pretty good. Mom had a harder time then I did! Her ankles are weak so her feet turned in and it was hard for her to stand up and skate comfortably and without feeling like she was going to fall over. She was very glad that I got a little walker to hold onto! I'd hang on and skate and she'd stand behind me and help push me along. But by the end I was getting pretty good on my own. It's always fun to spend time with our friends! Videos at: (Unfortunately, Youtube changed it's requirements for custom URLs and someone else stole ChristianAtwood! I'm so mad! so now you have to access my youtube channel with the link above).

The next day, mommy and I picked up daddy to go to the train store. We parked by Starbucks and got hot chocolate and pumpkin bread, and then we walked to the train store. The train weren't running but daddy asked if they could be turned on and they did! I was so excited! They turned on the polar express model train and I was so happy just watching it go! Daddy also bought me a cute little plastic train set that ran on battery. I love it!

Mommy noticed s few zit-like dots on my ears and around my mouth and even though they didn't seem to bother me, mommy looked into it and when paired with my fever she realized I had hand-foot-mouth disease! Yuck! thankfully the rash never got too bad and it was just a couple days of fever and I recovered quickly! But that pretty much took up the rest of our winter break. It was nice to just spend time together and relax before mommy went back to work.

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