Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 2014

The first couple weekends in November were spent helping the Yamamoto's settle into their new house. Grandma and Grandpa were spending one of the days painting all day so mommy took me over to play all morning. We even went and picked up donuts! We just played and as usual went from fighting to cuddling every too seconds. Below are some pictures of us getting along well and cuddling while watching cartoons.

Another weekend mommy and I spent at the mall. We decided to fit in a fun mall date before the crazy Christmas shopping season began. We hit up the Disney Store and Lego Store before getting yummy treats from Starbucks!

I've really been getting more interested in my letters and I love tracing my letters and have been doing so well when I practice. I'm also really good at writing the letter 'H' all by myself! I also switch a lot from right to left hand so we're not quite sure what I'll be. I seem to prefer my left hand a little over my right but we'll see!

We celebrated Thanksgiving and had a nice dinner at Nanas house. We always have a wonderful time together with the whole family and grandma brought some fun crafts for me, Siena and Charlotte.

Even though it was raining a lot, we decided to still go out to the Christmas tree farm the morning after Thanksgiving. It was really pouring at our house but Alyssa texted saying they were on their way so we couldn't cancel. Thankfully was we made it past Issaquah, it cleared up a bit and wasn't too bad when we got there. It definitely rained a bit on and off but we had a great time. It was super special because I got to see Santa arrive to the tree farm. He drove in a green pickup truck! I even got special pictures before we visited him to sit on his lap. After helping the Yamamotos to pick out their tree, we got in line to meet Santa. Mommy talked a lot about Santa and how he'll ask me what I want for Christmas but she didn't make it clear that I had to wait until Christmas! After our visit, I was confused about why I didn't get my plane from Santa right then! But mommy reassured me that if I'm a good boy, Santa will bring it too me Christmas morning. After Santa, we walked over to the river to throw rocks. Charlotte and I always have a blast doing that! After the tree farm, we went to Scott's Dairy Freeze for delicious burgers, hotdogs and milkshakes. We also ran into Mike and Cindy and the boys there!

The last Saturday of November barely a snow day. There was maybe a half inch or so. A little more stick to cars and plants but not as much on the roads. It was cold but sunny by the morning. There wasn't quite enough to go out and play (I wanted to go build a snowman) but mommy did go collect enough for me to eat a bowl of snow with breakfast. I really enjoyed that! Later in the morning, mommy, Uncle Sam and I went to meet Grandpa and Grandma at the movie theater to see the Penguin Madagascar movie. It was funny and entertaining but nothing too spectacular. It was lots of fun to get Sweet Factory candy beforehand and eat lots of popcorn!

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